If you are in your twenties or find yourself in some other form of confusion you might be pondering the question of who you want to be.
It doesn’t have to be a drastic feeling of “I need to change EVERYTHING about my life”, it might just be realizing that your job bores you or you are tired of feeling stressed all the time.
I am currently in my twenties and I can assure you, it is a tumultuous time.
I have moved four times in the last five years, switched my major, dropped out of college to focus on my coaching business, flew to America to get my coach training and returned to my psychology degree while working with clients. I’ve had six different jobs; including self-employment, VA work and calling people to ask their opinion on a local election.
There are so many things I could do, so many jobs and interests to be explored, that sometimes I lose sight of the things I already know about myself.
Like the fact that I like being in deep conversation with people (coaching) or that I’ve always wanted to be a writer.
These are exciting times, but they make me and a lot of my peers fear that we might choose the wrong path – accidentally become the wrong person.
Because whether you become a nurse, sell pottery for a living or work for the government, those things will not define what you do but who you become.
So, no pressure. Today I accidentally came up with an exercise that might help you find more clarity about the future you envision for yourself.
Coachey Exercise: Write your future bio
Today I found myself waking up an hour early with a pull to get up and write. But instead of writing a blog post I felt like writing my future bio – the one that I would like to read in the future.
Now here’s what’s awesome about writing a future bio: You get to pretend that you are, say, a chef or a woodworker and see if that feels like you.
You get to write about several different life paths to see how you feel about them. So I could have written “Iris Barzen is a psychologist and researcher” or “Iris Barzen is a dance teacher and author”, just to see if that felt like a real possibility.
How to write your future bio
[YOUR NAME] is a _________, _______, and _______. (you can choose less)
In her work she __________________
She lives in ___________ with _________ where she _________.
Keep in mind that a bio is usually not more than 3-5 sentences. Keep it short and don’t think too much about getting it right.
So now, how do you feel about what you just wrote?
Reading through my future bio I felt calm and sort of assured. I can’t tell you if what I wrote is what I want to do exactly, but it feels like a direction.
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