When overwhelm strikes, it can feel as if our minds will never stop racing. We frantically try to decide what to do next in our biz, and when it’s time to shut down our laptop and take care of ourselves, we can’t seem to relax & let go.
If your head is about to explode and you need an emergency treatment, don’t worry, I got something for ya.
Below you’ll find some sanity savers that are tried & trusted by yours truly.
Please don’t treat this as another list of ALL THE THINGS you should be doing, rather pick whatever feels easiest & good to you right now and actually do it.
My go-to sanity savers
Breathe, dance, walk, move. Here’s the medicine I use when I need to calm down the mind chatter: I drop back into my body. Each of us have a way of doing this that feels most natural, for me it’s usually dancing (Beyonce, anyone?).
The great thing about this method is that it feels effortless and easy to do this once you know what works for you. Not sure what that is? Try to remember a time when you moved your body feeling incredibly alive, like all was well in the world and you could do anything. Got something?
If you’re still stuck, make a gut decision and try any of these on for size: Dancing, breathing, yoga, taking a walk or going for a run, slow cooking a meal, eating chocolate mindfully … The point is to actually do one of these things, because you won’t drop back into your body just reading about it.
Remember that if you can dream it, you can live it. We can get so caught up in the how-to’s of living our dreams that we can lose sight of the vision, and more importantly, the feelings we’re after. We end up feeling like crap, and like we’ll never reach our goals.
I promise: You got this. And eventually, you’ll make it. When I’m feeling super small & like a fool to have ever dreamed big, I remind myself that as long as I don’t give up and stay in the game, I can’t help but succeed.
Share your fears with your biggest cheerleader. Do you have someone in your life that believes in you 100% and just knows that you can do anything? Talk to them. Even if you don’t believe they’ll get what you’re talking about, because their dream is a little different from yours, give it a try.
Having your boyfriend or bestie tell you that they believe in you, and that you’re right where you need to be makes for better medicine than a Dutch hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. Bonus points if you can get a hug, that’s like adding caramel biscuits to the mix. Hmmm…
So did you find something that resonates with you here? I’d love to know.
Tell me: What do you do to ease out of overwhelm? Any beloved tools you want to share with your fellow Wild Women?
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