Kind Productivity

Kind productivity | Iris Barzen

I believe we can be productive without paying the common price of stress, overwhelm and mean self-talk. Kind productivity habits help us do so. When I first started my business I thought differently. I was convinced that discipline was the magic word, that if I could just be ‘more disciplined’ I would get everything done […]

Coachey Exercise: Write Your Future Bio

write your future bio

If you are in your twenties or find yourself in some other form of confusion you might be pondering the question of who you want to be. It doesn’t have to be a drastic feeling of “I need to change EVERYTHING about my life”, it might just be realizing that your job bores you or […]

oh oh, feminism

feminist songs

source When Fifth Harmony sings “I don’t need no explanation, ’cause baby you’re the boss at home” and I sing along to it I have to forget what I’m saying. Wiz Kalifa’s “You & Your Friends” is a great song to dance to, but when he says “I got all this drank poured up […] […]

Success Hiccups

succulent. success hiccups - article.

I used to have a real vision plan. I even mapped out what I wanted to achieve in year one, year two up to year five in order to “reach my vision” – which, by the way, involved living by the beach in another country and lots of other things I likely put on that list because I […]

“I love my child, but I don’t like being a mom.”

I love my child but I don't like being a mom

Three of my clients are mothers. They don’t want to only be moms, they still want their sense of identity. They want to have a career and their own life. And who can blame them? Can you imagine asking a man to give up his entire career to stay home, keep the house clean and […]

self-care for the worst days

self-care for the worst days | blog post

Sometimes being self-employed is the worst. There are doubts and a feeling of being behind on everything, like you don’t have anything figured out. Sometimes being mom is the worst. Being creative is the worst. Being in love is the worst. Even when you’re happy with your life overall, there are days when for one […]

I want spacious & full.

I want to live a creative life, one where I follow my inspiration and fill my days with things that matter to me. I want to spend my time intentionally and not waste it numbing out with TV and snacks because I’m exhausted by the pressure I put on myself. I want to knit, cook, dance, […]

Procrastination-Compassion for when you just can’t get yourself to do it.

Laptop from above

Dear ambitious you, I know you have a lot of things you want to do. There are projects at work, projects with your craft and there’s always that inkling that you’d like to exercise more, too. If someone gave you a free day you’d quickly know what to fill it with – the beautiful things […]

Everything you want to be is a habit

I’ve had this thought recently how every big change, any big vision we have for the person we want to be is really all about building habits. So for example, if I want to be a strong, fit person, then I need to work out in some form regularly. I would argue that you can pull out […]